Looking back two years ago, we were completely different people. I was very much under the illusion that I had complete control over my life and my offspring, I thought I was great at handling motherhood and was really just a touch naive about life. Then Hudson Patrick Hughes entered the scene and changed our perspective forever! A peek through some of the earlier entries of this blog will confirm that the first year was no picnic and it stretched me in ways I didn't even know I could be stretched, but we got through it somehow in one piece!
Hudson's second year of life has been a whole different story. He has accomplished so much- learning to walk, talk, joke, wrestle, dance and sing. His sweet and sensitive personality has emerged, and his cheekiness knows no bounds! 'Lub you, mummy' makes my heart melt, and the way he tilts his head to the side asking if I'm 'OK mummy?' is just incredible! He is so, so different to Eli and I love watching their relationship and friendship develop. He loves his brother and constantly reaches his chubby hands towards him, looking for cuddles or wrestles. He is also a bit of an operator already, seemingly unfazed when we growl at him for disobeying and trying out a sweet, tilted head 'peek a boo' or something similarly cheeky to derail our authoritative spiel.
I had been hoping to have Hudson's second birthday party at Civic Park in Warragul for a while now, and had planned a Dinosaur Carnivore theme. The morning was perfect and we had the park almost completely to ourselves as we set up the undercover picnic area to theme. We had lugged our new transportable BBQ grill to the park and commenced with the preparations- bacon and egg rolls, Jerk prawn skewers, chicken and feta meatballs, chicken fajitas and sausages.
Hudson and Eli began really enjoying themselves as soon as family began to arrive, playing funny games with Pa and their cousins. Hudson got his own laptop computer to go with his phone and has hardly put either down since! Grandma and Grandpa very thoughtfully arranged for some little presents for Eli too, which made him feel included and special despite it being Hudson's day.
The food worked out really well, probably the first party we haven't overcatered for... And the dinosaur cupcake birthday cake was easy to transport and effective. The family really got into the part and helped out heaps, bringing Jurassic Juice, Ice Age Water and Prehistoric Punch; Dinosaur Egg brioche buns and Lava Cakes.
I loved watching Hudson intact with our extended family. He adores his big cousin Isaac and the two are very similar. One of his presents this year was an electronic drum set after he had taken to Isaac's so enthusiastically on Christmas Day. Pa was also incredible with Hudson, showing him every button on the new lap top and patiently following him around the playground and park.
I've said often to Dave, 'if only I knew how awesome Hudson would turn out it would have made that first year a hell of a lot easier to cope...' But that is part of the mystery of parenthood. We can never see the complete picture of who our children will come to be, but that shouldn't stop us giving it our all in the meantime. I'm so proud of you, Hudson, you have already taught me so much in your brief life and I wouldn't change a thing about our difficult first year because it has made us both who we are today. I'm so excited to see the person and character that you develop into. I know it will be amazing!
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