A little apprehensively we set out again on route to Uralla. A small (ok, maybe a big) part of us was wondering if we've made a mistake in going on the trip!
We paused for a coffee in Gloucester and were rewarded with the skies opening above us. Checking the weather forecast was also a little depressing as there was no sign of any sun on the horizon for at least a week.
The catastrophising was unnecessary, though, as the sun began peeking through the clouds as we got closer to our destination - Aurelia's Farm.
If I ever run a B&B I would love to emulate the approach of Tara, mother of two and owner of the chic cottage we were privileged to stay in. Tara had baked cupcakes - rum & raisin, beer & date and red velvet! There was also the best banana bread I've ever tasted, freshly made bread, eggs laid that day and local bacon. The view over the paddocks was spectacular, particularly at sunset.
After getting some tips from Tara as to the best places to go in town, we lingered over Devonshire tea at Cafe Gusto and Dave managed to restrain himself and only bought one book!
After putting the kids down, Dave and I got to indulge in a relaxing spa and sampled those cupcakes. What a difference 24 short hours can make!
The Very Cranky Mummy
BloggerEmma is a former lawyer, now full-time mum to three rambunctious kids- Eli, Hudson and Ivy. This blog helps keep her (almost) sane and for that Dave, her husband, is very grateful.
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